AIM:-To prepare eye lotion of zinc sulphate.
AIM:-To prepare eye lotion of zinc sulphate.
Seth A. K. practical book of pharmaceutics I, PV book publication. page no. - 165.REQUIRMENTS:
Beaker, measuring 'cylinder, glass rod, sintered glass filter autoclave and weighing balance.
Ingredients. Quantity (100oml)
Boric acid. 3.43g
Zinc sulphate. 22.9g
Purified water up to 1000ml
Eye lotion is a sterile aqueous solution used for washing of the eyes. The eye lotions are supplied in concentrated form and are required to be diluted with warm water immediately before use. They are usually applied with a clean eye - bath sterilized fabric dressing and a large volume of solution is allowed to flow quickly over the eye.
Eye lotion should be isotonic and free from foreign particles to avoid irritation to the eye. They are required to be prepared fresh and should not be stored more than two days as the lotion may get contaminated with microorganisms.
1. Dissolve boric acid and zinc sulphate in a purified water.
2 . Filter through sintered glass filter grade IV.
3. Transfer fiter solution in a bottle and sealit
4. Sterile the product by autoclaving technique.
5. Label it properly.
It is used for washingof eye with antiseptic activity .
Store in well closed container at cool place .
Eye lotion of zinc sulphate was prepared .