AIM:-To prepare zinc and castor oil ointmient.
AIM:-To prepare zinc and castor oil ointmient.
Seth A K; practical book of pharmaceutics -2,PV book publication page No:-2/143
Ingredients Quantity (1000g)
Zinc oxide 75g
Castor oil 500g
Cetosteryl alcohol 20g
White bees wax 100 g
Arsenic oil 305g
Ointment is semi-solid preparation intended for application to skin with withcul injection They may be oleaginous or entirely free from oleagine substance or may be emulsion of fatty materials Cintment bases are of differe types whuch are as follows
● Oleaginous ointment base
● Absorptio oitment base
● Emulsion ointmient base
● Water soluble ointment base
Ointment can be prepared by fusion, trituration chemical reactions and dilution
1) Weigh all the ingredients and take therm in a beaker or china dish.
2) Mett cetosteryl alcchol and white bees vax on water bath and add arachis oil in
3) Triturate zinc axide and casior oil in a pestle mortar
4) Add the mixture of zinc oxide and castor oil Into melted ingredients.
5) Stir continuousty with a glasS rod unti" cocol
6) Transfer the ointment to vide mouth container and cap it
It is used as astringerit
Store in a well closed container at cool pisce
Gintment of zinc oxide and castor oil was Diepared and dispensed.